
Showing posts from August, 2018

Journal of Progress--August 20-26

Monday, August 20, 2018 More deer friends, of course from last evening.  You can see five in these pictures.  Saturday evening we were driving home from Eureka and we saw a small doe and two very tiny fawns about the size of lambs standing by the side of the road. We thought deer births were spring time events and didn't expect to see any tiny ones at this time of the year.  Barbara wanted to stop at scare them away from the road but we were too far beyond them when the thought hit.  We were very relieved Sunday morning not to see any dead deer by the side of the road. Finished the lower rafters for the south side of the roof. Lots of work, but no major problems. Unless you consider cutting the worm-drive saw’s cord with the worm-drive saw to be a major problem. My assistant managed to do that, but I didn’t see it happen, so I’m not sure how he managed it., he only penetrated the rubber, outer layer of the cord, not even nicking the wires or their...

Journal of Progress--August 13-19

Monday, August 13, 2018   You're probably getting tired of hearing about our deer friends by now.  These are smaller than the ones we have seen previously.  They would have been born this year.  They also came the next evening with a buck who actually had a rack of antlers but we were unable to get a picture of him.  We also have rabbits and a squirrel harvesting our compost patch.  I expect to find the squirrel's stash somewhere in our root cellar.  One night he got trapped behind some wood pieces with a cat protecting his only way out.  He made the most unusual squawk.  We didn't know what it was until we scared the cat away and moved the boards so he could get out.  The cat is our neighbor's cat and is a trophy hunter.  She is always leaving gifts on our neighbor's porch of pieces of rabbits, bats, birds, gophers, snakes.  Sometimes she wants to bring a live one into the house to play with.  That doesn't set...