
Showing posts from May, 2020

Journal of Progress May 25-31

We got a propane tank installed this week.  The crew from the Propane company showed up to lay the pipes for the big (300 gallon) propane tank. We'd hoped to buy the tank, but at only ten dollars a month rental, Don decided it wasn't worth it.  Fortunately, Don left a buried access pipe through the foundation three years ago, when it was poured, making easy access for the pipes. Planning ahead pays.  This is the third time our gravel driveway has been dug up for pipes. Don says when all the digging is done, he wants to pave it with asphalt. Here comes the tank! Locating it was tricky. It needs to be at least ten feet from the property line, ten feet from the house, fifteen feet from the road, and fifteen feet from the edge of the driveway, and on level ground. It's a good thing that the driveway wasn't paved, giving us the ability to just "say" where the edge of the driveway is, or such a spot might not have existed, which would have required...

Journal of progress May 18-May 24

Though we both worked hard this week it didn't result in a lot of pictures.  We moved one table upstairs and a different table away from the wall.  Barbara really wants to get the kitchen painted so we can bring in the cabinets we bought off a friend.  We are still not 100% they are going to work for us.  Not having a fully operable kitchen is getting to Barbara.  She puts off doing dishes as long as she can since water has to be brought in from outside, heated on the stove.  There is not adequate space to have all of the dishes soaking until they can be washed.  We often eat off paper plates but we can't cook on them.  Below Barbara has covered the stove and a rack to be able to sand the mudding. Barbara's primary way of helping is taping, mudding, and sanding. Barbara also spent one day this week organizing the root cellar.  It had become a junk collector.  Rather than make dozens of trips to get everything down there that needs ...

Journal of Progress May 10-May 17, 2020

Barbara has been taking morning walks.  This picture of Indian Paintbrush takes her back to her childhood.  Indian Paintbrushes were in the mountains above Manti where her father herded sheep. In these rocks on a hill above Mammoth you can see a lot of mineral deposits.  Barbara is not trained to recognize what minerals she is seeing.  You can see that if they are valuable minerals, it would be a significant expense and effort to extract what is valuable. This is the largest concentration of houses in our little community.  Our barn roof is to the left.  About 17 individuals live in these houses.  Not much has changed except that just right and above the yellowish house is a big blue dumpster.  A couple is restoring the white cabin right of the dumpster.  It is just to be a weekend thing for them.  There is also a couple of restored cabins which cannot be seen which are currently vacant. Barbara is standing on the road east ...

Journal of Progress--May 3-May 9

The humming birds discovered the humming bird feeder right away--by the bright red, for sure.  The other birds have not yet discovered the bird feeder.  I'm wondering if they will. Or if the hummingbirds will let them. A friend from way back and her husband came out.  Her husband is helping Don finish up the plumping so we can finally get running water in the house.  No pictures were taken of their work.  The friend helped Barbara with mudding.  It was nice to have some one to visit with as we worked. We got the gas stove hooked up.  Barbara has been cooking on a hot plate or microwave.  It is nice to have more than one burner at once. And an oven! Don grills outside once a week. Don installed the clothing rod in what we call our dressing room, which is a large, walk-in closet.  It has two chests.  Don is repairing a broken drawer from the white chest.  They are both old, crummy chests but it is not the best time for us ...