
Showing posts from September, 2020

Journal of Progress--August 23-30, 2020

 Think of the difficulty of eating watermelon without hands.      We have been sorting boxes, some of which has been in storage for five years.  It is sometimes a surprise to see what we own.  Most of the boxes just get stored away until the house is in a state where we can finally find places to put things (like books or souvenirs).  However, Barbara did decide to do one item of decoration.  Since our freezer is an integral part of the kitchen and we really don't want anything per se on it, Barbara decided to put this runner that her sister-in-law made for us and a rooster carved in the Dominican Republic on it.  It is an easy removal and goes very well with our coloring for the room. Don wanted Barbara to clear the counter so he could work on the corner cupboard in preparation to installing the sink cabinet. Years ago, before we got closed in, a terrible rainstorm soaked our subfloor, causing all the edges of the panels to swell dramatical...

Journal of Progress--September 7-September 13, 2020

 The most exciting news this week for Barbara is that she now has a working sink, dishwasher, and bathtub.  Ever been exicted to be able to do dishes? There is a bit of back story to this conclusion, though. First Don had to move three pipes the plumber put in the wrong places. Not the only ones, nor even the first he had to adjust. After adjusting the pipes, cutting holes in the floor, etc. Don still had to get them inside the cabinet. Our friend who helped us with the plumbing cut the pipes off too short, but Don was able to make them work. Our all around handyman friend came out from American Fork to help us get the plumbing working.  He got here and realized he had picked up the wrong part.  He went into Santaquin (about a half hour away) and still had the wrong part, so it was another trip into Santaquin to get the right part.  It ended up being a full day. Here, he and Don are installing the kitchen faucet. Now for the cabinet Don has been dreading-- the b...

Journal of Progress--August 30-September 6, 2020

 The late afternoon sun was just right to shine beautifully on this deer's coat.   It is interesting to notice the size of this deer and that it is just losing its spots. This is a new visitor to the birdbath.  It took some sleuthing to learn he (or she) is a green-tailed towhee.  He has a redish cap and dark yellow, greenish wing feathers and tail.  He is smaller than the spotted towhees but will fight with them for territory.  He does the same hopping backwards on the ground when looking for seeds and he doesn't use the hanging bird feeder. This sun was totally red to the eye. Last Sunday our bishop stopped by just to check on us since we haven't been attending church due to covid.  The last time we saw him was on Mother's Day when he brought a flower around.  In the course of the conversation, Barbara mentioned that he could pray for us to find the help we need to get our water working in the house.  All the plumbers we know (and trust) a...