
Showing posts from May, 2021

Journal of Progress--Week ending May 2, 2021

These upper mountains look like they are floating on the clouds.      Some things have been done this week which actually make a difference.  Don is helping prepare the bathroom for painting.  Barbara did most of the taping, mudding, and painting. Every bathroom needs a nice, big cabinet to hold all the extra lotions and potions. Especially if it's OAK. Oak's HEAVY. Gotta build a "fixture" to hold the cabinet up so Don can screw it to the wall. Didn't get it all the way up yet. It's REALLY heavy! Tried several ways to hold it, but none worked, until... Our friendly neighborhood giant to the rescue! Ta-da! Next, the dressing room needs a door. But the door frame isn't plumb and square. A few shims will fix that. Score each shim with a sharp knife, and break 'em off with a hammer. Easier than sawing. Install the lock, and we have a functioning door. Except it turns out that the door itself is warped, so Don has to get a replacement from The Home Depot. O...