
Showing posts from October, 2020

Journal of Progress October 18-25, 2020

 Our biggest news is that we have heat!  That is very good because it is supposed to go down to 6 Degrees tonight. These little deers are very grateful for the windfall apples we were able to get for them. Cutting the subfloor to go around the brick hearth, which is a quarter circle in the corner of the living room. Only a few more pieces of plywood to lay, and we'll be ready to finish the kitchen/living room flooring. Installed! Down in the basement workshop, Don cuts out the pieces for the firewood box he is building. When finished, it will fit on the folding dolly he inherited from his dad. Final assembly. The box is removable, and has been sized to fit through all doorways, etc., whether on its wheeled base, or hand carried. It fits perfectly into the space between the stairs and the kitchen wall. Thanks, Barbara, for the idea. We're a good team! The last kitchen cabinet is in place! Now Barbara has a place for her spice racks. x

Journal of Progress, Oct 12-18, 2020

    Barbara found the picture she took last week of Don installing the new breaker in the breaker box. Actually, the breaker was already there--he just had to wire it up. Not all that hard, but he had to be careful, as it's possible to get quite a shock. Fortunately, Don has had instruction in how to do this. Installing the new outlets. Hanging the new drywall behind the "central wall" downstairs. Using needle-nose pliers to hold wiring staples while driving them to secure the wire. Saves fingers. Two daughters came out with their kids to help. These granddaughters are helping pick up broken glass.  There is a lot of broken glass on our land, some of it different hues of blue, green, pink, and brown.  Following the example of a neighbor, we have gathered them into one place.  When the snow or rain washes the dirt from them and the sun sparkles on them, it is quite pretty. Hanging the first balcony bracket. This one HAS to be done right, as everything else on the...

Journal of Progress--October 5-October 11, 2020

We were kind of lax on the picture taking this week but a lot more work was accomplished than these pictures show.  On Sunday we hosted a daughter from South Jordan, her husband, and four children.  Biggest event in a long time. Barbara has almost finished putting a second coat of paint on the pieces for the balcony.  She got manure and worms from a friend in Santaquin.  She filled in the second half of the grow box for fall planting of cool weather crops.  She also washed the outside of many of the windows. She dug holes and prepared the soil for winterberry plants she has ordered. A cabinet for the bathroom, to go over the washer and dryer. Actually, it was a regular, over-the-sink, kitchen cabinet, but it wouldn't fit in the space available, so Don had to cut it down by removing the center section. Too bad; it had a neat "pigeon hole" part to it that Don was not able to preserve. Like most of the cabinets except for the new ones we ordered from The Home Depot...

Journal of Progress--September 21-October 4, 2020

 You get two weeks at once this time.  We didn't post last week. It looks like this rooster just walked out of this painting that Don's father painted.    The deer coats are getting quite dark.  These babies are growing up.  We are seeing fewer deer as winter approaches as they migrate to a different place.  Sadly, deer hunting season is soon upon us. Don is beginning to build Barbara's grow box.   He's adding drainage holes. Here he is putting a frame around it to hold netting to keep the deer out.  The netting is held on securely in some places, but along one side and the bottom, it just hooks around screws for easy removal in order to harvest.    Oh, oh.  The guy at Home Depot insisted the wood wasn't green.    The box has been repaired.  Manure picked up from a goat farm which is sadly going out of business as the owner is moving, and the strawberries from last summer have been transplanted.  Straw wi...