Journal of Progress--Winter-Spring 2021
We haven't posted in a long time. It is not that the work doesn't continue but 1) just coping with winter takes a lot of time, 2) much of the work we are doing is repetitive of work we have done before so it doesn't show anything different, and 3)we've gotten out of the habit of taking pictures so we don't have much to show. We had a surprise visit last week from a couple (Brent and Claudia Watson). They have followed our blog and were taking a road trip and decided to stop by and see it. So what has happened? The snow is now all gone. The deer come less frequently--probably because there is more food available. Also, a neighbor reports that she has seen an injured deer and reports poaching. Also, we've seen neighbor dogs chase the deer when they come into the neighborhood. ABOVE: Our "deer friends" and some of the last of the winter's snow. BELOW: Don finally got around to designing and building the "returns" for the stair handr...