Friday, September 1, 2017 We had family and friends visit. Don pretty much spent his time getting ready for our guests. He cleaned up things which might be dangerous for children, he covered the root cellar so no child fell in, and he made a path to the outhouse. Pat let the grandchildren play with his go-cart. Saturday, September 2, 2017 Don learned when they put the last floor boards on that the house is not square. Using a nail in each corner, string, and a measuring tape, he learned that it is four inches off in one corner. That is actually huge in house construction, and he will have to make some adjustments. He worked on laying the boards for the porch. Sunday, September 3, 2017 Barbara wasn't feeling well and stayed home from church. Wasps were swarming the humming bird feeder. Barbara even saw the queen. She was bigger than the others and had much bigger wings. When she came, the others scattered and then they stayed pretty much...