
Showing posts from May, 2018

Journal of Progress--May 14-20

Monday, May 14, 2018 We spent this day in Salt Lake as our third subbing day for May.  It was raining as we drove out in the evening.  We didn't have a lot of snow this winter but we have had a lot of rain this spring.  We've never seen Utah so green. Tuesday, May 15, 2018 Barbara had a lot of pine siskins visit her thistle bird feeder.  There were five or six on the feeder at once and as many up in the tree.  Don worked on framing the north wall.  Wednesday, May 16, 2018 Two of the neighbors came and helped lift the north wall into place.  Because it was all one piece, it was huge.  We're fortunate to have good neighbors willing to help. Thursday, May 17, 2018 Don worked on stabilizing part of the west wall.  Here he is adding a top beam on the north wall.  We now have a gun--a nail gun.  The first time Don used it Barbara went out to take a picture of it but by the time she got there, Don was pulling the nail...

Journal of Progress May 7-13

Monday, May 7 We saw some of our deer friends.  One part of the floor that Don was unable to uncover was the living room wall which he built last fall.  A lot of water collected in the window frame.  Don had to clear that out before he could take the black plastic off. Don also build shelves for the root cellar. Bir'd have started coming to Barbara's bird feeders.  We have seen a lot of what looks like Baltimore Oriels but they aren't supposed to be this far west. Barbara set up our outdoor hand washing station. Tuesday, May 8, 2018 Don got both walls up that he built last fall.  He installed a flag on the home.  These walls are on the west side of the house and will be the living room walls. There is a struggling lilac bush on the east side of our property.  It has one lone blossom which you can't see well in the picture.  Judging by the large, successful lilac bushes we see around the community, we have learn...

Journal of progress: May 1-6

Tuesday, May 1, 2018 We moved out of our apartment where we wintered in Taylorsville yesterday.  We decided to substitute today.  If we substitute 3 days in the month for Granite School District, we can keep our status active.  Seeing how things don't always work out the way we hope or plan, we don't want to burn our bridges.  It was much harder to get on with Granite last fall than we anticipated.  Because of abuses, we had to reapply as if we were brand new employees with references, transcripts, everything.  If we need it next year because we are not yet in the house or just wanting to pump up the income, it will be available to us.  We went out to Mammoth in the evening and were treated to a nice sunset from the rainy day.  It was cold in the trailer, 40 degrees, but we had enough bedding to keep warm. Wednesday, May 2, 2108 We woke up to a very cold and rainy morning.  The school bus came to get the only kid in Mammoth for school...