Journal of Progress
Monday, May 1, 2017--The task of today was to move out of our daughters house, take appropriate items to the thrift store, others to our storage unit, and others, move to Mammoth in a daughter's trailer. This was all accomplished. Don and neighbor Pat built a a frame of PVC pipe in the basement.
We set ourselves up for postal service in Eureka. Don and pat put a plastic covering over the frame. They off loaded the trailer. We drove to American Fork< Utah which is an hour away. Don had a tool reserved there he needed to pick up. Barbara purchased fresh vegetables and fruit to go with an earlier purchase of dry foods.
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Barbara stayed behind at the bed and breakfast in Eureka and organized the good and our belongings in the Zinc room. At noon we went to a luncheon at the Senior Center.
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Don and Pat worked on painting the fence of a widow who is trying to sell her home. Then Pat took us to Nephi by the back road to apply for a building permit. We stopped in Mona at Gaydean's for a

Friday, May 5, 2017
calls were made to the phone company, to the electric company, and to a guy
about doing a peculating test. Don worked on drawing up the plan the man coming to do the perculating test requested.
Don and Pat went to talk to some
people about water, garbage pick-up, and excavating. They never did
find the man who does the excavating. They were told no more water
permits are being offered but an elderly lady said not to bother
about that. She issued Don a code number so he could get water.
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Don worked making surveyor stakes so he could mark the property for excavating.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
We took Sunday as a day of rest and worship. Barbara stayed home and nurtured a sore throat she has had all week.
Monday, May 9, 2016
We drove to Salt Lake to return our daughter's trailer and to get medicine for Don from the VA. We stopped by our West Valley House and met our prospective buyer. We ran a number of city errands.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Don and Pat put in the surveyor marks. The wind has torn off the plastic cover taped to the frame to protect the things in the basement.
They drove to Salt Lake to buy a meter box a man was selling for $5. Pat says they can run around $400. Barbara only found one that expensive but most were over $100. An electrician said that would be the meter box we needed.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Ed, the excavator came out and dug the hole for the peculating test. The hole was to go down 13 feet but they hit rock after about 8 feet. He kept digging next to it to see if he could get around the rock and just found more rock. He ended up digging a trench but never got around the rock.
He also created the circular driveway.
Don was notified that his water permit had been granted and went to sign the papers. He was to go to a CPR refresher course at the fire station tonight but it had been canceled because there is a funeral tomorrow and the viewing is this evening. Don loves that the whole town stops over a funeral.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Jeff came out from Nephi to check the soil for the installing of a sewer system. Jeff installs sewer systems and Don is inclined to hire him. This will have to wait for our house to close to have adequate money. This is the last thing that had to be done before a building permit can be issued so that should be through by next week sometime.
Don decided to build an outhouse for use while the house is under construction using the trench as the hole. He placed some railroad ties to support the outhouse.
Friday, May 12, 2017
Because we do not yet have electricity on our site, all sawing has to be done at Pat's. Don cut the pieces for the outhouse.
Saturday, May 13, 2017
We had a wedding to attend this day so no work was done on the house.
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Mother's Day. We attended church and then joined the family in South Jordan for a meal.
Monday, May 15, 2018
Don borrowed a trailer from Margaret, our hostess at the bed and breakfast. She gave him some wood and metal roofing pieces they had taken off the cabin they are refinishing. Don used these to cover the trench which was not directly below the outhouse. He constructed the outhouse. Cameras were forgotten so the pictures were taken the following day.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Don built the door for the outhouse. A man from Rocky Mountain Power came out. He says they will have to install a new power pole. Neither power pole on either side of the property has a transformer. He said the meter box that was purchased wouldn't work. He kept insisting that the power company had to do the installation. He also insisted that they only wanted to come out once and he set all these restrictions on what had to be done. He wants the wall constructed on the house where the meter box will be placed before they turn it on. How are we to get power to build the wall without electricity. Rich, an alternative excavator came out. He dug a hole for the basement. Don was wondering if we would also be able to go down only 8 feet there but Rich got down lower.
He also dug a trench for the missing foundation wall and he smoothed the driveway so the trailer can be parked there.
Don shingled the outhouse.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017-Monday, May 22, 2017
While waiting for our building permit, we took a trip to Tuscon, Arizona to visit an old friend and Wickenburg, Arizona to visit a son's family.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
We spent this day driving back from Arizona. Margaret, the proprietor at The Tintic Goldminer's Inn is renting us a Streamline Trailer. It had been delivered to our camp sight for us to take up residence when we returned.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Salt Lake Day for medical appointments.
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Don worked on leveling the land for the missing foundation.
Friday, May 26, 2017
We got the quote from the electric company. They want over $9000 to install a new power pole with a transformer on it and bring electricity to our house. That is out of bounds. Don worked on building the frame for the foundation footing.
Saturday, May 27, 2017
We went to Manti for Barbara's 50th high school reunion.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Church. A day of rest.
Monday, May 29, 2017
Memorial Day. Spent in Provo with family.
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Went to Salt Lake to close on our house.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
We went to Stockton (near Tooele) to get some cheap lumber. This fellow has a brother who works for a company that ships fancy cars. They crate them in this lumber. The brother gives the fellow in Stockton the lumber from the crates and Kim in Stockton sells them for $2-#3 each on KSL,
Margaret set us up with solar panels.
You can see out water barrels at the top of the picture. For right now, they supply our water needs.
Looks like you got a lot done! Cool to see the progress. Glad that you have been able to find so many things that you need for free or cheap.
ReplyDeletefun to follow along with all you are doing. thats aweful how much the electricity post will cost! - camilla
ReplyDeleteSo if the quote for power is out of your budget what is the plan? It's fun following your progress.